Monday 27 April 2015

Welcome to Spirit Journey!

Thank you so much for joining me, it means the world to me that you are here. 

Each spring since I was 11 years old, I have read the beautiful novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett 'The Secret Garden'. It is crazy how every year the book written in 1911 brings me such joy and inspiration. When I was a child I was fascinated by poor sallow, little Mary's adventure and transformation in a manor with 100 rooms on the moor and the abandoned garden. I was infatuated with the Robin that showed her the way... I loved hearing about the moorland mother and her 8 children and I am sure I was a little bit in love with Dickon.

I read it through my late teens for comfort. Pure and simple it was an escape from adolescence.

As I got older, in my twenties and thirties it became a book that signified spring and the end to a long winter. It connected me to nature and the magic of growing things. I would read it to my young sons and we would be inspired to get outside and play in the yard; talk to birds and plant the garden.

Here I am in my late forties and the book takes on a whole new meaning for me. I read it now and the child dreamer within me is ignited and I remember that at the very core of my being, this inner child is still there full of wonder, suspense and magic ready to engage with the world. 

In this last year I have been on somewhat of a Spirit Journey - experiencing a kind of magic induced by awareness and meditation and a connection to universal law. And as I read 'The Secret Garden' this year I am astounded to find I have never truly understood the final chapters of this book until now.  

"Then I will chant," he said and began, looking like a boy spirit. "The sun is shining - the sun is shining. That is the Magic. The flowers are growing -  the roots are stirring. That is the Magic. Being alive is the Magic - being strong is the Magic. The Magic is in me. It's in every one of us. It's in Ben Weatherstaff's back. Magic! Magic! Come and help!"