Monday 24 October 2016

The Issue is NEVER the Issue!

Huh? The Issue is NEVER the Issue?

contributed by Anne Babchuk
Is something keeping you awake at night?
Is something bothering you?
I will say to you the same thing I say to my clients.

The Issue is never the REAL Issue.
The things that worry you; the things that give you pain; make you angry, sad or react are not truly your problem.

Spend a moment and really take this concept in.

Do you sense the truth in it?

What I mean when I say ‘take it in’ is, for just a moment, try and get out of your head, stop thinking, making excuses or try to fix anything - just feel it. If you have had sleepless nights or spent weeks with a perpetual pit in the stomach, you probably have already suspected that the Real Issue is something running much deeper than just your immediate problem. You have probably noticed that the issue you are experiencing is in fact something you have experienced before – and there is a pattern.

Ongoing problems at work or with your spouse for instance are just signposts pointing to something working beneath the surface. Chronic conditions and addictions are also signs only they are flashing at you in neon, beckoning you to pay attention to what is going on at a deeper level.

Your life is a mirror of what is going on inside you. It is a reflection of your core beliefs about who you are, what you deserve and what your place is in this world. It is a reflection of how you treat yourself deep down inside, below your memory, below your conscious thinking.

 If you are constantly broke, the questions you need to ask yourself is not “How do I make more money this month?” but “What am I believing about myself that causes this pattern to happen?”

But here, once again, The Issue is Never the Issue! You may think you know the answer… but it is likely you are missing the key element in the equation. No matter what you do to try and change things, your efforts fall flat. The true answer lies below your thinking, at the core of your being. Marvelously, the sub-conscious mind not only knows what the core belief is, but how that belief came to be a running force inside you and what is needed to heal that impairment. Nine times out of ten that truth will knock you off your chair and has you think “Of course! That makes so much sense. Why did I not see it before?” And the most wonderful thing is, the sub-conscious also remembers who you are without that wound, it remembers your power; your magnificence.

That hidden realm inside you is a mysterious land, and you need not be fearful of it. It is yours alone and is the gateway to your built in guidance system. It is where your essential creative self resides and knows what is best for you. The Soul Re-cognition process provides gentle access to that place within you that holds all the answers to your questions, and your healing. SRC is a journey of rediscovery; of remembering who you are beyond your problems, beyond your pain.  
You need only take the first step.  

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